Many of you have asked more information on what our current project is, and furthermore, what it is about. I thought it would be appropriate to update our site to include a current projects link that will allow you to see what projects we have in the works. Although I am not 100% sure that this will satisfy the needs in the near future, as we begin to develop our next upcoming project; at least there is now something available to satisfy the immediate questions.
Although we are hopeful in our endeavor to finish and complete our current novel all the way to traditional publication, we also have a multitude of projects that have been stacking up on the back-burner for a while now. During the next few days/weeks, we will be going over our backlog, while we continue to see what happens in our query phase. We will keep you informed as things progress, but rest-assured, we are excited to continue working through the endless creativity that we share.
Make sure to comment on this and our current projects page if you like what you see, especially if you are interested in reading our novel when it does get published. For continued updates, be sure to follow us and we will do our best to keep you informed as things progress.
Thanks for visiting…